工作(zuò)內(nèi)容 Responsibilities 1. 完成項目草圖; Complete drafting assignments; 2. 根據項目需要,執行(xíng)調研與分析; Conduct research and analysis as needed for a project; 3. 分析數(shù)據,計算(suàn)設計數(shù)據,準備設計規劃和(hé)透視圖; Compile data, perform design computations, and prepare plans and renderings; 4. 協助模型制(zhì)作(zuò)和(hé)營銷材料的準備,以及公開(kāi)或私下的演講材料的準備; Assist in the preparation of production of models, marketing material, and presentation packages for public/private review; 5. 參與現有(yǒu)或潛在項目的內(nèi)外部會(huì)議; Attend meetings both inside and outside the firm pertaining to existing and potential projects; 6. 提供其他支持,以确保項目的順利實施; Provide additional support to ensure smooth execution of projects; 7. 對于經驗豐富的候選人,同時還(hái)需要負責客戶關系管理(lǐ),團隊管理(lǐ),項目管理(lǐ)以及對于高(gāo)難度技術(shù)問題的解決。 Candidates with more experience are also accountable for client management, team management, project management and complex problem solving of technical issues. 職位需求 Requirements 1. 城市設計或相關專業本科; Bachelor’s degree in Urban Design or closely related fields; 2. 優秀的設計、可(kě)視化和(hé)制(zhì)圖能力; Excellent design, visualization, and graphic skills; 3. 會(huì)操作(zuò)AutoCAD 和(hé)Adobe Creative Suite軟件包; Basic proficiency in AutoCAD and, Adobe Creative Suite software packages; 4. 熟練應用MS Office Suite,電(diàn)腦(nǎo)操作(zuò)熟練; Working knowledge of MS Office Suite as well as overall strong computer proficiency; 5. 具備使用Studio, Rhino, Sketch-up等3D軟件經驗; Experience working with 3D programs such as Studio, Rhino, Sketch-up beneficial; 6. 良好的手繪能力更佳; Good hand drawing skills is preferred; 7. 注重細節; Strong attention to detail; 8. 優秀的組織能力; Excellent organizational skills; 9. 良好的中英文表達能力。 Good writing and oral communication skills both in English and Mandarin.