實習申請(qǐng)的崗位分為(wèi):設計助理(lǐ) 和(hé) 研究助理(lǐ)。 設計助理(lǐ)協助完成實際項目的設計,深化和(hé)落地工作(zuò),實習結束可(kě)考慮轉正。 研究助理(lǐ)以志(zhì)願者形式,參與Mur Mur Lab建築學理(lǐ)論研究的討(tǎo)論,文字整理(lǐ),發表;以及模型制(zhì)作(zuò),設計競賽等研究型的工作(zuò)內(nèi)容。 1. 面向在校(xiào)同學及應屆畢業生(shēng),輔助團隊進行(xíng)設計工作(zuò); 2. 熱愛(ài)設計,積極主動,學習能力強,具備團隊協作(zuò)能力、執行(xíng)力強; 3. 熟練使用常用繪圖軟件; 4. 實習時間(jiān)不低(dī)于2個(gè)月。 Internship contains two categories: design assistants and research assistants. The design assistant assists in the design, deepening and landing of the actual project, and the end of the internship can be considered for a positive turn. Research assistant is voluntary position. Participate in the Mur Mur Lab architecture theory research, the discussion of publish work; as well as model making, design competitions, etc. 1. For students and new graduates, support the team to carry out the design work; 2. Love design, proactive, strong learning ability, team cooperation ability, strong execution; 3. Familiar with common drawing software; 4. Internship time not less than two months .