
Mur Mur Lab x 你(nǐ) Mur Mur Lab x You 這是 Mur Mur Lab 第三次公開(kāi)招募 This is Mur Mur Lab’s third public recruitment. 又是一年風吹梧桐沙沙作(zuò)響樹(shù)影(yǐng)碎滿地的季節,這個(gè)季節的上(shàng)海很(hěn)美,美在自然,亦美在态度。夏天是一年當中唯一一個(gè)季節人們熱切地盼望去創造,去生(shēng)活,去擁抱希望的季節,走過工作(zuò)室路口的那(nà)條街(jiē),會(huì)看到人們在路邊的露天咖啡館辦公、聊天,觥籌交錯,你(nǐ)來(lái)我往,眼裏迸發出興奮的光。這個(gè)季節的上(shàng)海,空(kōng)氣中流淌的,是生(shēng)生(shēng)不息。 Another year the wind rustle sycamore trees all season, this season in Shanghai is very beautiful, beauty in nature, also in the attitude. Summer is the only season of the year where people eagerly look forward to create, live, embrace the hope, walking towards studio across the street and see people in the roadside coffee shop, they are working, chatting, eyes burst excited light. This season in Shanghai, flowing in the air, is life. 依然在這樣一個(gè)季節,Mur Mur Lab開(kāi)啓了每年一度招聘。 梧桐樹(shù)影(yǐng)中,迎接屬于我們的盛夏光年。 Still in this season, Mur Mur Lab starts its annual recruitment. In the shadow of the sycamore tree, meet the summer that belong to us.


實習申請(qǐng)的崗位分為(wèi):設計助理(lǐ) 和(hé) 研究助理(lǐ)。 設計助理(lǐ)協助完成實際項目的設計,深化和(hé)落地工作(zuò),實習結束可(kě)考慮轉正。
研究助理(lǐ)以志(zhì)願者形式,參與Mur Mur Lab建築學理(lǐ)論研究的討(tǎo)論,文字整理(lǐ),發表;以及模型制(zhì)作(zuò),設計競賽等研究型的工作(zuò)內(nèi)容。 1. 面向在校(xiào)同學及應屆畢業生(shēng),輔助團隊進行(xíng)設計工作(zuò); 2. 熱愛(ài)設計,積極主動,學習能力強,具備團隊協作(zuò)能力、執行(xíng)力強; 3. 熟練使用常用繪圖軟件; 4. 實習時間(jiān)不低(dī)于2個(gè)月。 Internship contains two categories: design assistants and research assistants. The design assistant assists in the design, deepening and landing of the actual project, and the end of the internship can be considered for a positive turn. Research assistant is voluntary position. Participate in the Mur Mur Lab architecture theory research, the discussion of publish work; as well as model making, design competitions, etc. 1. For students and new graduates, support the team to carry out the design work; 2. Love design, proactive, strong learning ability, team cooperation ability, strong execution; 3. Familiar with common drawing software; 4. Internship time not less than two months .


AutoCADPSSketchup office漢語本科在校(xiào)生(shēng)


上(shàng)一篇: 施工圖設計師
下一篇: 建築項目負責人
