
予舍予築(Yushe Design)是一家(jiā)立足于中國上(shàng)海,面向國際,提供建築、景觀及室內(nèi)空(kōng)間(jiān)“一體(tǐ)化”的設計公司。公司采用合夥人運營機制(zhì),目前四位合夥人均在國內(nèi)外頂尖設計院校(xiào)接受了完整的建築學相關教育,并被Perspective評選為(wèi)2019年度“大(dà)中華地區(qū)40位40歲以下卓越設計師”。 在予舍予築的設計理(lǐ)念中,建築設計是基于理(lǐ)性分析的在地表達,它将在時(shí)間(jiān)、空(kōng)間(jiān)、場(chǎng)所、業主和(hé)使用者等限定因素的合力引導下,最終指向永恒且純粹的美。我們認為(wèi)這種美,并不随波逐流,而是具有(yǒu)經得(de)起時(shí)間(jiān)考驗的普适性和(hé)打動人心的質樸的感染力。 我們尊重每個(gè)項目的獨特性和(hé)在地性,追求建築形态、室內(nèi)空(kōng)間(jiān)和(hé)景觀構築全過程的完整表達,從創新的理(lǐ)念直至材料、燈光、藝術(shù)裝置等細節的精準把控。我們自始至終關注建築的最終使用者——人(People)與時(shí)間(jiān)(Time)、空(kōng)間(jiān)(Space)之間(jiān)的關系,通(tōng)過設計改善我們所處的物理(lǐ)空(kōng)間(jiān)和(hé)精神世界,營造一個(gè)予舍、客戶、社會(huì)共同的“設計理(lǐ)想國”。 予舍予築自成立至今,已經完成了上(shàng)百個(gè)的作(zuò)品,獲得(de)了世界範圍內(nèi)媒體(tǐ)的廣泛關注與報道(dào),包括《城市·環境·設計》雜志(zhì)、荷蘭《FRAME》雜志(zhì),新加坡《d+a》雜志(zhì),香港《Perspective》雜志(zhì)等業界知名印刷媒體(tǐ),以及Dezeen、Designboom、谷德、Archdaily等網絡媒體(tǐ),并在權威設計大(dà)獎Architecture MasterPrize,意大(dà)利A’Design、Singapore Interior Design Award 2018等國際設計大(dà)獎中屢獲殊榮。 Yushe Design (YSD) is a Shanghai-based design firm with international vision, which provides integrated design of architecture, interior space and landscape. We focus on unban regeneration, creative and cultural space as well as tourist and residential projects, which share a good reputation for the high quality and value of design. Yushe Design believes strongly in research as a design tool, as each project bears its unique set of contextual issues. We search for the best solution of each project as architecture isn’t a work of utopia and arbitrary, but a result of multiple restrains. We begin with a rigorous study and analysis of each site’s specific composition: the obvious and the hidden, the natural and the social environment. We study each program and how people involved want to live, work, play. We analyze materials, lights, that are ecologically responsive to the site conditions, support each program and reflect the characteristic of the space and the sensibility of people live in. We seek to synthesize all this so the outcome appears obvious, inevitable. Architecture is put into the service of making place, a place rather than good looking, but with external beauty- that we find in balance between aesthetic ideal and pragmatic function, simplicity and variety, individual artistry and social concerns, globalism and regionalism. The work of Yushe Design has been featured widely by the press around the world, including U.E.D Magazine, FRAME, d+a Magazine, Perspective Magazine, Dezeen.com, Designboom.com, Archidaily.com and countless more print and online media. We have also been recognized by a number of international design awards, such as The Perspective 40 Under 40 Awards, The 2018 American MasterPrize, Grand Prix Design Paris 2018, Singapore Interior Design Awards and etc.


1. 1年以上(shàng)知名建築事務所或室內(nèi)設計公司工作(zuò)經驗; 2. 清晰理(lǐ)解項目的設計意圖,具有(yǒu)良好的審美和(hé)國際視野,有(yǒu)創新精神和(hé)藝術(shù)感知力; 3. 良好的溝通(tōng)技巧和(hé)團隊精神,踏實且富有(yǒu)激情的工作(zuò)心态; 4. 精通(tōng)AutoCAD,Photoshop,SketchUp, InDesign 等專業設計軟件。 1. Bachelor Degree or above in Interior Design or related majors; 2. At least 1 years proven experience in well-known interior design field and strong ability to create original design concept; 3. Excellent skills in communication and presentation, good design sense; 4. Skillful in AutoCAD, Photoshop, SketchUp, InDesign, etc. 5. Work steadily and passionately.


3DMaxAutoCADPSSketchup 漢語本科1-3年


上(shàng)一篇: 實習建築設計師
下一篇: 景觀施工圖設計師
