
B.L.U.E.建築設計事務所成立于2014年,由日本建築師青山(shān)周平與藤井洋子共同創建于北京,是一所面向建築以及建築室內(nèi)設計方向,充滿年輕活力的國際化建築事務所。B.L.U.E.是Beijing Laboratory for Urban Environment的略稱,同時也是事務所的核心設計哲學。以厚重曆史與先銳思潮激烈碰撞的北京為(wèi)中心,通(tōng)過建築、室內(nèi)、産品、藝術(shù)等設計實踐,實現對城市物理(lǐ)、社會(huì)、文化環境等方面的研究,尋求一個(gè)真正連接城市環境的設計平台。 B.L.U.E.建築設計事務的項目實踐多(duō)種多(duō)樣,從小型建築、新型零售空(kōng)間(jiān)、老城區(qū)微改造、城市更新,到對生(shēng)活方式的試驗性研究等。目前的項目遍及國內(nèi)外,分布在北京、上(shàng)海、日本京都、山(shān)西、山(shān)東、雲南等省市的核心地段。其中,位于北京市東城區(qū)的燈市口L型之家(jiā)項目,一經發表便廣受國內(nèi)外衆多(duō)專業媒體(tǐ)的青睐;北京CBD核心區(qū)華貿中心的原麥山(shān)丘以其獨特的設計風格飽受好評;在日本京都,事務所将烏丸五條處一座具有(yǒu)百年曆史的房(fáng)子改造為(wèi)博物館式民宿;始建于清代,占地約2,500平方米的蘇州古宅經過事務所的改造,搖身一變成為(wèi)了共享型城市新空(kōng)間(jiān);對未來(lái)共享社區(qū)生(shēng)活的全新創想–400盒子的社區(qū)城市;毗鄰魯迅博物館的白塔寺民宿–有(yǒu)術(shù),延續了青山(shān)周平對當代生(shēng)活“家(jiā)”的構想,挑戰了城市與空(kōng)間(jiān)的界限,為(wèi)人群帶來(lái)更多(duō)互動的可(kě)能。 B.L.U.E.建築設計事務所也十分關注藝術(shù)參與。除了多(duō)次參加北京設計周等主題展覽及藝術(shù)活動,2016年,事務所受邀參與了威尼斯建築雙年展“穿越中國-HOUSE VISION”。在2015年,參與了由喜瑪拉雅美術(shù)館主辦的“山(shān)水(shuǐ)社會(huì)-測繪未來(lái)”主題展。 B.L.U.E.建築設計事務所曾被國際權威時尚雜志(zhì)《安邸AD》評為(wèi)“100位在中國最具影(yǐng)響力的國際建築、設計精英;2016年榮獲“中國建築學會(huì)”建築創作(zuò)獎銀獎(居住建築類);同年,榮獲由日本商業環境設計師協會(huì)評選的JCD DESIGN AWARD BEST 100大(dà)獎;并于2016年入選中國建築獎WA居住貢獻獎。事務所的創始人之一青山(shān)周平,曾在《北京青年周刊》2017年度人物評選中榮獲 “年度設計師青年榜樣”;同年,被評為(wèi)40 under 40中國設計傑出青年;也被《第一财經》評選為(wèi)2017年度中國最佳國際創業者Brilliant 20。 Founded in 2014, B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio was established in Beijing by Japanese architects Shuhei Aoyama and Yoko Fujii. It is an international architecture studio full of youthfulness and vitality oriented towards architecture and architectural interior design. B.L.U.E. is the abbreviation of Beijing Laboratory for Urban Environment, and it is also the core design philosophy of the studio. Focusing on the intense collision of rich history and vanward thought of Beijing, B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio is working on the design practices of architecture, interior design, product design, and art. In other to archive the research on urban physics, society, culture and environment, thus seek to create a design platform that truly connects the urban environments. B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio has a wide range of project practices, ranging from small buildings, new type retail spaces, micro-renovation of the old city, urban renewal, and experimental studies of lifestyles. The current projects are located both at home and abroad, in the core areas of Beijing, Shanghai, Kyoto, Shanxi, Shandong, Yunnan and so on. Among them, the L-shaped house at Dengshikou Hutong in Dongcheng District, Beijing was widely favored by many professional medias as soon as it was published. The Umassif Bakery of Huamao center in ​​Beijing CBD fully received the high praise because of its unique design style. In Kyoto, Japan, the office transformed a century-old house from Gojo Krasuma into a museum-style guest house. Built in the Qing Dynasty, the 2,500-square-meter Suzhou ancient house was remodeled and transformed into a shared new urban space. A new idea for the future shared community life—400 boxes. A guest house named sth.here is adjacent to the Lu Xun Museum, continue the conception of contemporary life “home” from Shuhei Aoyama, and challenges the boundary between cities and spaces to provide more opportunities of interacting for people. B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio is very concerned about contemporary art and design. In addition to participating in theme exhibitions and art events such as Beijing Design Week many times, in 2016, the studio was invited to participate in Venice Architecture Biennale “China House Vision”. In 2015, we participated in the theme exhibition “Humanistic Nature and Society (Shan-Shui) – an Insight Into the Future” sponsored by the Himalayan Art Museum. B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio has been rated as “100 TOP ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN TALENTS IN CHINA” by AD Magazine. In 2016, we were honored with the Silver Award of residential architecture category from China Architecture Association. In the same year, we were awarded the JCD DESIGN AWARD BEST 100 by the Japanese Commercial Environment Designer Association and was selected as the WA Housing Award from WA Award for Chinese Architecture in 2016. Shuhei Aoyama, the founder of B.L.U.E. Architecure Studio, was rated as “Model Young Designer of the Year” by Beijing Youth Weekly in 2017. In the same year, he was named “40 under 40 – Chinese Outstanding Young Designers”. He was also selected by Yicai as the 2017 Best International Entrepreneur of the Year – Yicai Brilliant 20.


在主持建築師的指導下深化方案,協助主持建築師完成設計任務,能獨立承擔項目各方面運作(zuò)。熱愛(ài)建築行(xíng)業,工作(zuò)認真負責。 任職職責: • 建築學/城市規劃本科以上(shàng)學曆 • 三年以上(shàng)工作(zuò)經驗 • 熟悉中國建築設計相關規範,了解施工流程,具有(yǒu)項目各方直接溝通(tōng)的協調能力 • 熟練掌握AutoCAD以及三維空(kōng)間(jiān)建模能力 • 熱愛(ài)建築行(xíng)業,責任心強、努力、認真、敬業、踏實 • 具有(yǒu)一定的日語及英語能力者、有(yǒu)外企工作(zuò)或海外留學工作(zuò)經驗者優先


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