
CROX闊合由建築師林琮然于2007年創立,擅長跨界設計,作(zuò)品涵蓋城市規劃、建築、室內(nèi) 、家(jiā)具、策展和(hé)藝術(shù)品創作(zuò)。秉承“前衛自然”的設計風格和(hé)人文情懷,将設計從藝術(shù)拓展到文化與自然的對話(huà),不斷的實踐了想象的無形和(hé)有(yǒu)機,為(wèi)時(shí)代創造新的印記。近年曾參加過2016米蘭三年展, 2016、2018 兩屆意大(dà)利威尼斯雙年展, 獲得(de)的獎項包含:WAF世界建築節、美國AMP、英國安德魯聖馬丁、法國DNA、韓國K-DESIGN、 日本JCD等知名國際獎項,廣受如Domus、ArchDaily、Wallpaper*、designboom等世界各大(dà)建築設計媒體(tǐ)的好評。 現邀請(qǐng)富有(yǒu)創意,有(yǒu)理(lǐ)想,熱愛(ài)生(shēng)活的夥伴加入,一起成長。 CROX was founded by C.R. Lin in 2007, we specialize in crossover design, projects contain masterplanning, architecture, interior, furniture design, extending to exhibition curator and art work creation.Our avant-garde design expands from the artistic feeling towards the conversation between humanism and nature. Bringing the intangible and organic imagination to achieve new life experiences and creating a new imprint on the new century. In recent years, we have attended the 2016 Milan Triennial Exhibition, and consecutively on the 2016 & 2018 Venice Biennial Exhibition, winning awards including: World Architecture Awards, American Master Prize, Andrew Martin International Interior Design Award, DNA Award, K-DESIGN Award and JCD Design Award etc., also been featured on the world famous press media, such as Domus, ArchDaily, Wallpaper* and designboom. Now we are looking for creative, ambitious and people who love life to join us, let’s grow the future together!


1. 風景園林、建築設計相關專業學士(或同等學曆)以上(shàng)學位,5年全職工作(zuò)經驗 2. 至少(shǎo)參與過1-2個(gè)大(dà)型工程實踐及實施項目,請(qǐng)在作(zuò)品集中說明(míng)所任工作(zuò)及職位 3. 熟練操作(zuò)軟件AutoCAD、Rhino和(hé)Adobe CS 4. 具有(yǒu)國際化團隊的工作(zuò)經驗,能夠适應高(gāo)壓和(hé)充滿挑戰性的工作(zuò)環境。 1. Possess a Bachelors or higher degree in landscape design; At least 3 years working experience 2.At least involved with 1 to 2 completed projects in the past working experiences 3. Expertise in Rhino, Grasshopper, AutoCAD, Adobe CS. 4. Abroad working experience and ability to work under pressure and in a challenging environment.




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