1. 室內(nèi)設計、建築、環藝或相關專業本科及以上(shàng)學曆 2. 對設計充滿熱情,具備專業的方案設計或深化設計能力 3. 較強的溝通(tōng)能力與良好的團隊合作(zuò)能力 4. 熟練應用SU , AutoCAD , PS , ID , AI , PPT , Excel , Word 等專業軟件 5. 責任心與良好的團隊合作(zuò)能力 6. 室內(nèi)設計師 (3年及以上(shàng)經驗);助理(lǐ)室內(nèi)設計師 (1年及以上(shàng)經驗) 1. Bachelor degree or above in Architecture design, environmental art design or relevant majors 2. Passion for design, excellent schematic design and detailed design skills 3. Good communication skill 4. Good command of SU, AutoCAD, PS, ID, AI, PPT, Excel, Word and other professional softwares 5. Strong sense of responsibility and team-work ability 6. Interior Designer (3 years of design experience); Assistant Interior Designer (1 years of design experience)