任職資格: 1.就讀建築學相關專業全日制(zhì)本科第三年以上(shàng)或研究生(shēng); 2.熱愛(ài)建築設計,具備不斷學習和(hé)研究的能力,認同公司的設計理(lǐ)念; 3.精通(tōng)AutoCAD, Sketchup, Adobe PS,AI,ID,熟悉Rhino, Grasshopper,Revit者優先考慮; 4.熟練掌握WORD ,EXCEL等辦公軟件; 5.實習期不少(shǎo)于3個(gè)月 6.能高(gāo)效地完成公司分配的任務,工作(zuò)積極,适應性強,善于自我管理(lǐ),有(yǒu)良好的團隊合作(zuò)精神。 Requested skills: 1. At least the third year of full-time undergraduate or postgraduate study in architecture related major.; 2. Love architectural design, have the ability of continuous learning and research, and agree with the company’s design philosophy; 3. Proficient in AutoCAD, Sketchup, Adobe PS, AI,ID, familiar with Rhino, Grasshopper, Revit is preferred; 4. Proficient in WORD, EXCEL and other office software; 5. The internship period is not less than 3 months 6. Able to effectively complete the tasks assigned by the company, active in work, strong adaptability, good at self-management and good team spirit.