
法國AIA建築工程聯合設計集團成立于1965年,創始團隊為(wèi)幾位建築師和(hé)工程師,曆經五十年的發展壯大(dà),如今的法國AIA可(kě)以為(wèi)其客戶提供建築設計、工程設計、項目管理(lǐ)、城市規劃以及綠色建築方面的高(gāo)品質綜合服務。 得(de)益于由22為(wèi)股東和(hé)600餘名專業技術(shù)人員組成的多(duō)元團隊,法國AIA在各類建築領域中遊刃有(yǒu)餘,其建築、工程及各相關專業之間(jiān)緊密的配合度使得(de)它成為(wèi)一間(jiān)尤其擅長處理(lǐ)專業性強,工藝複雜項目的綜合設計事務所。 憑借着在全球實現的多(duō)領域建築作(zuò)品,如醫(yī)療、酒店(diàn)、辦公、體(tǐ)育、住宅及工業建築等,法國AIA在設計中所展現出的創新性、啓迪性和(hé)高(gāo)品質性為(wèi)期積累了良好的企業聲譽。 法國AIA總部位于巴黎,在南特、裏昂等城市均設有(yǒu)事務所。自2012年在上(shàng)海和(hé)北京創立子公司以來(lái),AIA秉承着其獨特的設計理(lǐ)念活躍于中國的建築市場(chǎng)。 Founded in 1965 by a team of architects and engineers, AIA Life Designers is today a major multi-disciplinary consultancy company, providing a full range of combined expertise and services in architecture, engineering as well as in project management, urban planning and sustainable development. Thanks to its collective management of 22 partners and its 600 employees, AIA Life Designers is able to offer a high level of commitment and know-how in sectors where the specificity of the activities and the complexity of the functions require innovation and synergy between architectural design, engineering, and many specialized fields of expertise. With its strong track record of international references in varied markets, such as healthcare, hospitality, office, sports, residential, industry…AIA Life Designers is recognized for the design of inspired, innovative and its high quality facilities. AIA Life Designers maintains several offices in France (the main offices are in Paris, Nantes and Lyon). Since 2012, by creating branches in Shanghai and Beijing, AIA Life Designers has been active in varied projects on the Chinese market with its innovative vision of architecture.


1. 建築學本科及以上(shàng)學曆,有(yǒu)外資公司工作(zuò)經驗者優先; 2. 2-5年工作(zuò)經驗,有(yǒu)醫(yī)療項目設計經驗者優先,英文流利; 3. 有(yǒu)項目現場(chǎng)工作(zuò)經驗者優先,對建築構造及細部設計有(yǒu)一定了解, 能配合項目建築師完成方案設計及彙報文件; 4. 有(yǒu)擴初及施工圖設計經驗者優先; 5. 熟練掌握AutoCAD, Sketchup, Photoshop, Lumion, Rhino等設計軟件, 熱愛(ài)設計,工作(zuò)認真; 6.有(yǒu)Grasshopper, BIM使用經驗者優先。 1. Bachelor Degree in Architecture or above, working experience in a foreign company is preferred; 2. 2-5 years working experience (experience in Healthcare design a plus), fluent in English; 3. On-site working experience is preferred, know about structure and detail of project, able to assist project architect for concept design and report layout; 4. Experience of expanding design and construction drawing is preferred; 5. Strong design skills, familiar with AutoCAD, Sketchup, Photoshop, Lumion, Rhino and other design software, passion for architecture, diligence in the work; 6. Good command of Grasshopper, BIM (for example Autodesk Revit) is a plus.


AutoCADLumionPSRhinoSketchup 漢語英語本科3-5年


