尊敬的設計師您好: 特斯拉的使命是加速世界向可(kě)持續能源的轉變! 我們正在尋找一位創意設計師,加入我們的使命,完成特斯拉中國制(zhì)造,中國設計的目标。 打造原創“中國風”的特斯拉,讓最美的中國藝術(shù),融入面向未來(lái)的特斯拉。 你(nǐ)可(kě)以使用最大(dà)膽前衛的元素,最IN的美學藝術(shù),最不可(kě)思議的奇思妙想,設計“中國風”的全新車(chē)型。 哪怕不是汽車(chē)設計師,也歡迎來(lái)戰,因為(wèi)你(nǐ)設計的,不止是一輛(liàng)車(chē)。 請(qǐng)把心中的中國原創特斯拉設計作(zuò)品,附上(shàng)簡曆,投遞至以下郵箱:ChinaDesigner@tesla.com 我們會(huì)盡快與您取得(de)聯系。 此緻敬禮, 特斯拉招聘團隊 Dear designer, Tesla's mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. Tesla China is growing and we are interested in speaking to motivated and accomplished Creative Designers / Experts who would be interested in joining our mission. Would you or someone you know be interested in exploring these opportunities? View & Apply in our Linkedin postings or wechat teslacnwx. Please kindly send your design works along with your updated profile to :ChinaDesigner@Tesla.com and we will be in touch shortly. Thanks. Tesla Recruiting Team