任職資格: 1. 媒體(tǐ)、市場(chǎng)營銷、藝術(shù)設計等相關專業,應屆生(shēng)及畢業生(shēng)均可(kě),熱愛(ài)設計,認同公司的設計理(lǐ)念; 2. 具備良好的審美意識和(hé)平面設計能力,對建築學抱有(yǒu)濃厚的興趣; 3.認真負責,工作(zuò)積極主動,适應性強,具備團隊合作(zuò)精神; 4.掌握一定的平面設計軟件,如Adobe PS,AI,ID等,有(yǒu)攝影(yǐng)特長者優先考慮; 5.整理(lǐ)、更新、發布公司的最新活動內(nèi)容,為(wèi)出版物準備相關資料; 6. 管理(lǐ)官方網站(zhàn)與其它宣傳平台的更新,協助各類宣傳工作(zuò)與公司活動。 Requested skills: 1. Media, marketing, art design and other related majors, fresh graduates and graduates can, love design, agree with the company’s design philosophy; 2. Have good aesthetic consciousness and graphic design ability, and have strong interest in architecture; 3. Serious and responsible, active in work, adaptable, with team spirit; 4. master certain graphic design software, such as Adobe PS, AI,ID, etc. photography expertise is preferred; 5. Organize, update and publish the latest activities of the company and prepare relevant materials for publications; 6. Manage the update of official websites and other publicity platforms, and assist in various publicity work and company activities.