工作(zuò)內(nèi)容 Responsibilities 1. 參與城市交通(tōng)網絡規劃、以及城市綜合體(tǐ)發展交通(tōng)工程項目。工作(zuò)內(nèi)容包括對分析城市交通(tōng)特征、數(shù)據整理(lǐ)與分析、交通(tōng)網絡規劃及容量分析、以及交通(tōng)工程設計方案提供技術(shù)支持; To be involved in urban transport network planning and comprehensive development traffic engineering projects. Works include providing technical support in the analysis of urban traffic characteristics, data collection and analysis, transport network planning and performance analysis, and traffic engineering designs; 2. 對于經驗豐富的候選人,同時還(hái)需要負責客戶關系管理(lǐ),團隊管理(lǐ),項目管理(lǐ)以及對于高(gāo)難度技術(shù)問題的解決。 Candidates with more experience are also accountable for client management, team management, project management and complex problem solving of technical issues. 職位要求 Requirements 1. 本科或以上(shàng)學曆,專業包括但(dàn)不限于交通(tōng)工程、交通(tōng)規劃及城市規劃,并且擁有(yǒu)相當的交通(tōng)工程基礎認識; Bachelor’s degree or above in a relevant subject, including but not limited to Civil Engineering, Transport Engineering, and Urban Planning, with a sound knowledge in transport engineering fundamentals; 2. 有(yǒu)2年以上(shàng)相關工作(zuò)經驗; With more than 2 years of relevant work experience; 3. 熟練的中文及英文說寫能力; Excellent written and verbal skills in Chinese and English; 4. 良好的團隊協作(zuò)和(hé)服務意識,富有(yǒu)責任心,良好的語言表達能力及溝通(tōng)技巧。 Proven success in contributing to a team-oriented environment and good communication skills.