
ATA(北京)成立于2005年,團隊平均年齡39歲,平均從業經驗15年,人均1.5個(gè)碩士學位,80%具有(yǒu)海外留學或工作(zuò)背景。 我們專注高(gāo)品質項目,慎重對待每個(gè)任務。我們堅守創作(zuò)原則和(hé)職業操守,既不複制(zhì)他人、也不重複自己。我們在突破中探尋設計的本質,在挑戰中實現優質成長。 你(nǐ)将進入一個(gè)雙語環境(中/英),與來(lái)自不同國家(jiā)的同事并肩工作(zuò),獲得(de)正規職業培訓和(hé)資深前輩一對一指導。你(nǐ)也将面臨更大(dà)的挑戰,始終保存學習狀态并适應高(gāo)标準的要求。 ATA Architects & Planners is a multi-discipline design firm committed to creating exceptional and sustainable built environment. Working from multiple locations in the United States, China and Chile, we provide comprehensive services in master planning, architecture, landscape architecture and interior design. ATA principals are fully involved in all stages and aspects of each project, from preparing proposals to concept development and design implementation. Under our principals’ close supervision, a consistent team of design staff is assigned to each project to ensure the best quality of work and deliverables.


– 建築學、風景園林、城市規劃專業(本科四年級以上(shàng)或研究生(shēng)); – 熟悉Rhino, Sketch-up, Adobe Suite (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop), AutoCad等專業軟件; – 強烈的責任心和(hé)良好的團隊合作(zuò)能力; – 實習期2個(gè)月以上(shàng)。 – Design Orientated and highly self-motivated. – Proficient in AutoCAD, Sketch-up/Rhino, Illustrator, In Design etc. – Proficient in English. – Internship only opens to candidates who are able to work full time in Beijing for no less than 2 months.


AutoCADPSRhinoSketchup 漢語本科應屆生(shēng)


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