未 建築設計研究所 是一個具有(yǒu)創新精神的建築事務所, 緻力於探索建築設計與藝術領域的一切可(kě)能, 並在無數跨界合作(zuò)中擴展“建築設計”的定義。
在北京、香港、加拿(ná)大(dà)溫哥(gē)華分別設有(yǒu)工作(zuò)室。目 前涉及領域包括但(dàn)不限於城市規劃、美術館、博物 館、大(dà)劇院等文化項目、城市綜合體、建築改造、 社會住宅、藝術作(zuò)品等。
WAY Studio is an innovative architecture and design studio with a focus on coalescing architecture with art and technology. With consideration for artistic representation at its core, WAY Studio has focused on discovering new possibilities through cross-disciplinary collaborations. Our scope of work currently includes urban planning, cultural projects such as galleries, museums and opera houses, mixed-use buildings, architectural renovations, residential projects, exhibitions and installation designs. Our collaboration with other disciplines results in an adaptive, flexible approach and methodology in our work. Our unique make-up allows WAY to cross boundaries and scales. We are highly experienced in interdisciplinary work alongside artists, designers, consultants, engineers and more, seeking new possibilities in every situation. We are interested in looking towards what is next, to find the balance between people and nature, culture and technology. WAY Studio currently has offices in Beijing, Hong Kong and Vancouver.