1. 建築學學士或同等學曆,有(yǒu)國外教育背景者優先; 2. 具有(yǒu)一定英文交流能力,有(yǒu)3年及以上(shàng)全職工作(zuò)經驗(請(qǐng)在作(zuò)品集中說明(míng)所任工作(zuò)及職務); 3. 能獨立負責并組織團隊完成項目各階段工作(zuò); 4. 參加客戶與政府部門(mén)的彙報會(huì)議,并與各相關部門(mén)進行(xíng)協作(zuò)、溝通(tōng); 5. 負責團隊管理(lǐ),能帶領團隊完成方案設計、擴初設計及施工圖配合等工作(zuò); 6. 負責各階段圖紙産出質量,協助主創設計師将草圖深化到可(kě)行(xíng)的設計方案; 7. 具有(yǒu)強烈的責任心以及不斷學習、追求卓越的意願; 8. 具備良好的DWG、SU / Rhino、渲染軟件、Adobe suite等軟件的操作(zuò)能力。 1.Possess a Bachelor or higher degree in architecture, ideally educated abroad. 2.At least 3 years full time working experience on real projects. 3.Ability to lead/coordinate a team,completing the tasks at every stage. 4.Attending relevant meetings with clients and government, communicating with consultants etc. 5.In charge of each design stage’s output,assist the director to develop conceptual idea to a feasible proposal. 6.Strong commitment to excellence, learning and responsibility 7.Good skills in DWG, SU / Rhino, rendering plugins, Photoshop and INDD