– 建築學、室內(nèi)設計或相關專業本科以上(shàng)經曆 – 對新的商業場(chǎng)景、辦公場(chǎng)景設計有(yǒu)興趣與積累 – 擁有(yǒu)一定工作(zuò)及實習經驗者優先
冶是建築由李丹鋒、周漸佳在上(shàng)海創立,緻力于當代中國建築實踐與研究。快速城市化與內(nèi)部空(kōng)間(jiān)的嬗變是中國實踐的現狀,我們希望以此作(zuò)為(wèi)設計的出發點,通(tōng)過對都市策略、建築本體(tǐ)與呈現方式的思考,不斷挑戰建築學的外緣。 在過去的數(shù)年間(jiān),冶是建築完成了包括城市設計、基礎建設、建築、室內(nèi)等多(duō)重尺度的項目,并且積累了包括工人新村、陸家(jiā)嘴、城市建築等多(duō)個(gè)獨立研究。這些(xiē)實踐與研究的經曆相互支撐,形成了我們獨特的工作(zuò)方式。 Founded by LI Danfeng and ZHOU Jianjia, YEAS is an architecture studio dedicated to practice and research of architecture in contemporary China. We want to take changing states of urbanization and interiority as a point of departure for our explorations in urban strategy, architecture ontology, and representation, and agitate the boundary of architecture constantly. In the past few years, YEAS has completed various projects ranging from urban design, infrastructure, architecture, and interior, and led independent researches including New Village, Lujiazui, Urban Architectures, to name a few. These practice and research experience together form our unique working methods.
– 建築學、室內(nèi)設計或相關專業本科以上(shàng)經曆 – 對新的商業場(chǎng)景、辦公場(chǎng)景設計有(yǒu)興趣與積累 – 擁有(yǒu)一定工作(zuò)及實習經驗者優先