1. 認同“設計為(wèi)工作(zuò)和(hé)生(shēng)活賦能”的價值觀,積極樂觀,有(yǒu)自驅力和(hé)事業心; 2. 具有(yǒu)良好的審美意識和(hé)平面設計能力,能夠獨立完成項目資料的排版與發表; 3. 熟悉新媒體(tǐ)運營推廣方式和(hé)軟文技巧,有(yǒu)社交媒體(tǐ)傳播相關經驗; 4. 熟練使用微信公衆号編輯器(qì)、PS、AI、ID和(hé)Office等軟件; 5. 建築、藝術(shù)、媒體(tǐ)或其它設計專業學位。 1. Believing in HATCH’s company value of ‘Design empowers life’, positive and optimistic, self-motivated with strong enterprising spirit; 2. Good aesthetic consciousness and graphic design ability, typesetting and publishing of project materials independently; 3. Familiar with new media operation and promotion methods and advertorial skills, experienced in social media; 4. Proficient in software: WeChat public account editor Office, PS, AI, ID, and MS Office; 5. Bachelor Degree in architecture, art, media or other design major.