任職資格: 1. 全日制(zhì)建築學相關專業本科及以上(shàng)學曆,6年以上(shàng)工作(zuò)經驗; 2. 熟悉設計全流程及相關技術(shù)法規,能獨立帶領設計團隊完成設計至施工各階段的工作(zuò); 3. 具備優秀的創作(zuò)及溝通(tōng)能力,能夠清晰、有(yǒu)邏輯地進行(xíng)方案彙報,與甲方取得(de)良好的溝通(tōng)效果; 4. 精通(tōng)AutoCAD, Sketchup, Rhino,Adobe PS,AI,ID等相關軟件; 5. 具備海外工作(zuò)經驗者及大(dà)型綜合居住區(qū)經驗者優先考慮。 Requested skills: 1. Bachelor’s degree or above in full-time architecture related major, with more than 6 years working experience; 2. Be familiar with the whole design process and relevant technical regulations, and be able to independently lead the design team to complete the work from design to construction; 3. Excellent creative and communication skills, clear and logical plan reporting, and good communication effect with Party A; 4. Proficient in AutoCAD, Sketchup, Rhino, Adobe PS, AI,ID and other related software; 5. Experience in overseas work and experience in large comprehensive residential areas are preferred.