
漢齊建築是一家(jiā)擁有(yǒu)RIBA皇家(jiā)建築師學會(huì)資質,創意驅動的建築+室內(nèi)設計事務所。漢齊建築總部位于倫敦,亞太總部在上(shàng)海,我們彙聚全球有(yǒu)想象力的設計師及當地經驗豐富的專家(jiā),共同打造既有(yǒu)創造力又有(yǒu)落地性的設計解決方案。   HATCH Architects is an innovation-driven architecture + interior design company with Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) qualification. HATCH is headquartered in London, and its Asia-Pacific headquarters is in Shanghai. We bring together imaginative designers and local experienced experts from around the world to jointly generate creative and practical design solutions.   漢齊建築的使命是在全球化的時(shí)代背景下,用創造力的設計為(wèi)工作(zuò)和(hé)生(shēng)活賦能,打造有(yǒu)持續幸福感的空(kōng)間(jiān)。    In the era of globalization, the mission of HATCH is to empower work and life with creative design, and create spaces with continuous happiness.   漢齊建築在國際教育、科創辦公、文旅文創和(hé)商業建築等領域有(yǒu)豐富的經驗和(hé)智庫資源。我們為(wèi)每個(gè)項目定制(zhì)設計團隊,在充分理(lǐ)解當地環境及文化的基礎上(shàng)打造可(kě)持續的設計作(zuò)品。   HATCH has rich design experience and talent resources in the fields of International Education, R&D Office, Hospitality, and Commercial Architecture design. We customize our design team for each project, and create sustainable design works based on a full understanding of the local environment and culture.   使命: 用創造力的設計為(wèi)工作(zuò)和(hé)生(shēng)活賦能,Creative design empowers life。   價值觀: 為(wèi)了有(yǒu)持續幸福感的空(kōng)間(jiān)和(hé)時(shí)間(jiān)而設計,Design for Happiness。   願景: 成為(wèi)以創意,文化與可(kě)持續性為(wèi)核心競争力,有(yǒu)國際影(yǐng)響力的設計事務所。  


1. 思維活躍清晰,充滿想象力和(hé)創造力,具有(yǒu)出色的設計能力和(hé)學習研究能力; 2. 強烈的責任心和(hé)良好的團隊合作(zuò)能力,具備較強的執行(xíng)力,能夠配合快速的工作(zuò)節奏; 3. 建築學或室內(nèi)設計專業本科及以上(shàng)學曆在校(xiào)生(shēng)或應屆畢業生(shēng); 4. 熟練使用AutoCAD, Sketch UP, Rhino, Grasshopper, Adobe等軟件; 5. 實習期不短(duǎn)于3個(gè)月。 1. Active and clear thinking, imaginative and creative, excellent design and learning ability; 2. Strong sense of responsibility, good teamwork ability with strong execution, can work on a fast pace; 3. Bachelor degree or above in architecture or interior design, current students or recent graduates; 4. Proficient in software: AutoCAD/Sketch UP/Rhino/Grasshopper/ Adobe and etc; 5. Commitment of minimum 3 months internship.


AutoCADPSSketchup office漢語本科在校(xiào)生(shēng)


