1. 認同“設計為(wèi)工作(zuò)和(hé)生(shēng)活賦能”的價值觀,積極樂觀,有(yǒu)自驅力和(hé)事業心; 2. 有(yǒu)創造性思維和(hé)設計能力; 3. 有(yǒu)2年以上(shàng)公共建築項目的設計經驗,有(yǒu)海外留學經曆或知名設計公司經驗優先; 4. 有(yǒu)帶領團隊、承擔獨立項目設計工作(zuò)者優先; 5. 建築學、室內(nèi)設計或相關設計專業本科或以上(shàng)學曆; 6. 精通(tōng)常用的專業軟件,如:Rhino, Grasshopper, SU, ID, AI, PS和(hé)CAD。 1. Believing in HATCH’s company value of ‘Design empowers life’, positive and optimistic, self-motivated with strong enterprising spirit; 2. Possess creative thinking and design ability; 3. 2+ years of professional practice working experience on civic projects, overseas study and working experience in well-known architectural offices are preferred; 4. Experience in leading a team and undertaking independent project designs is preferred; 5. Architecture, interior design or other design major Bachelor degree or above; 6. Proficiency in professional software: Rhino, Grasshopper, SU, ID, AI, PS and CAD.