
自1963年成立以來(lái),ennead始終緻力于創造極具公衆影(yǐng)響力的建築作(zuò)品,重塑公共建築與社會(huì)以及人的關系。ennead總部位于美國紐約市,并在上(shàng)海設有(yǒu)辦公室,紐約總部現有(yǒu)員工180餘人,上(shàng)海辦公室現有(yǒu)員工20餘人,經過半個(gè)多(duō)世紀的發展,ennead已經發展成為(wèi)建築設計領域公認的領先的國際化設計事務所。ennead的客戶主要分布于教育、文化、科學研究和(hé)商業領域。從斯坦福大(dà)學到耶魯大(dà)學,從美國自然曆史博物館到克林頓總統紀念圖書(shū)館,從卡內(nèi)基音(yīn)樂廳到紐約高(gāo)線公園标準酒店(diàn),ennead與諸多(duō)國際知名學術(shù)文化機構均有(yǒu)長期穩定的合作(zuò)夥伴關系。ennead為(wèi)來(lái)自公共機構和(hé)商業領域的衆多(duō)客戶創造了多(duō)個(gè)令人矚目、富有(yǒu)創新性并秉承可(kě)持續發展理(lǐ)念的地标建築作(zuò)品。這些(xiē)作(zuò)品完美展現了ennead優秀的設計理(lǐ)念,并為(wèi)其所在城市和(hé)社區(qū)帶來(lái)了積極影(yǐng)響。 ennead的設計服務內(nèi)容包括新建建築、擴建改建、曆史保護、室內(nèi)設計及總體(tǐ)規劃,項目類型多(duō)元化,包括博物館、表演藝術(shù)中心、高(gāo)精尖實驗室、高(gāo)等教育研究設備、商業辦公和(hé)大(dà)型基建項目等。從形态,到采光,再到材質, ennead的建築作(zuò)品極具表現力和(hé)感染力,同時恰到好處地展現了客戶的願景,并且塑造了我們的空(kōng)間(jiān)和(hé)時代。 ennead的設計策略紮根于對建築功能和(hé)周邊環境的深刻理(lǐ)解,并由此拓展出強有(yǒu)力的建築形式。獨特的設計團隊架構則為(wèi)ennead提供了實現這一目标的堅實基礎——各項目均由一位設計合夥人與一位管理(lǐ)合夥人聯席牽頭,為(wèi)項目提供必要的技術(shù)和(hé)管理(lǐ)支持、強調以設計為(wèi)本的工作(zuò)重心。工作(zuò)模式決定工作(zuò)效率,這一架構确保我們能在最短(duǎn)時間(jiān)內(nèi)對各類項目設計問題提出切實可(kě)行(xíng)的解決方案。與此同時,ennead項目團隊亦通(tōng)過與客戶的緊密協作(zuò),于項目伊始便開(kāi)展一系列有(yǒu)關曆史文脈、周邊環境與建築功能的精密分析,反複斟酌項目的可(kě)行(xíng)建築細節及公共空(kōng)間(jiān)狀态。這一設計策略在優化現有(yǒu)經驗的基礎上(shàng),不斷探索出創新設計方案。我們秉承這一精益求精的工作(zuò)方式,堅持挖掘建築設計的創造性和(hé)藝術(shù)潛能,鼓勵創新并不斷緻力于提升周邊環境質量,豐富相關建築經驗。 ennead在中國的建築實踐将延續事務所五十餘年的設計傳統,以創新的、令人難忘的和(hé)可(kě)持續發展的設計傳達客戶的形象、回應當代文化并深化構築環境。ennead将自身多(duō)元化的實踐經驗和(hé)領先的專業知識與中國的城市和(hé)人文發展目标結合,并将在公共領域的見解應用到各類型建築設計中。自2014年設立上(shàng)海辦公室以來(lái),ennead已在中國完成了諸多(duō)重大(dà)項目,其中包括上(shàng)海天文館、華為(wèi)武漢研發園區(qū)等,總建築面積超過100萬平方米。 We create architecture that shapes the public realm; this has been central to our practice since 1963. Our 200-person firm, headquartered in New York City and branched in Shanghai, works primarily with educational, cultural and scientific clients, including some of the most venerable institutions in North America: from Stanford to Yale universities, from the American Museum of Natural History to the William J. Clinton Presidential Center, from Carnegie Hall to the Standard Hotel, High Line. After more than half a century of development, ennead is now recognized as one of the pioneering international architect firms. Our innovative, memorable and sustainable architectural identities for both public institutions and private clients are recognized for design excellence and for their important contributions to the life of their cities and campus precincts. Our diverse portfolio – including new construction, renovation and expansion, historic preservation, interior design and master planning– ranges from museums and performing arts centers to complex laboratories, research and teaching facilities for higher education to large scale infrastructure projects. Ennead creates expressive architecture that embodies each client’s mission and engages the user while shaping our place and time. Our approach to design is rooted in program and context, resulting in powerful form-making. This process is supported by our unique team structure: a design partner and a management partner collaborate on every project to ensure that our design-driven process is supported by advanced technical skills and superior project management. Our projects are therefore singular solutions to specific design problems and are consistently delivered on time and on budget. In close collaboration with clients, our project teams undertake a rigorous analysis of the history, context and program of each project, which is executed with meticulous attention to the details of the building as well as the public spaces around them. This approach optimizes our broad-based experience while allowing new and elegant design solutions to emerge. We believe the power of this process unleashes the potential of architecture to advance the human condition, inspire innovation, catalyze neighborhoods and enrich our experiences. In China, we continue our practice that has lasted over 50 years: designing creative, impressive and sustainable buildings to express the identities of clients, respond to culture and further shape the environment. We apply ennead’s diverse experience and expertise to promote urban and humanity development of China, and integrate our understanding of civic public space into the design of a variety of architectures. Since the establishment of Shanghai Office in 2014, ennead has completed multiple projects in China, including Shanghai Planetarium, Huawei Wuhan Research and Development Campus and etc., with a total of more than 1 million square meters building area.


我們随時歡迎優秀的建築師加入我們的國際團隊, 申請(qǐng)者需具備以下要求: 1. 建築學專業本科及以上(shàng)學曆,六年以上(shàng)建築設計行(xíng)業工作(zuò)經驗; 2. 能流利使用英語與外籍設計師溝通(tōng)合作(zuò)(有(yǒu)留學或境外工作(zuò)背景者優先); 3. 熟練使用Revit,Rhino,AutoCAD, Adobe系列,及其他相關專業軟件; 4. 具有(yǒu)創作(zuò)優秀建築設計的熱情; 5. 個(gè)性開(kāi)朗,有(yǒu)魅力,友(yǒu)好的團隊合作(zuò)精神, 具較強責任感和(hé)高(gāo)度的專業精神、具有(yǒu)優秀的與客戶、顧問及同事溝通(tōng)能力; 6. 具有(yǒu)一級注冊建築師、LEED AP者優先; Project Architect (Shanghai office) 1. Bachelor or higher degree in architecture, working experience in architectural design field for more than six years; 2. Able to communicate and cooperate with foreign designers in English fluently (preferably with overseas education or working background); 3. Proficient in the use of Revit, Rhino, AutoCAD, Adobe series, and other related professional software; 4. Constant enthusiasm and sensitivity in architecture; 5. Cheerful personality, attractive and friendly team players, with a strong sense of responsibility and a high degree of professional spirit, has the good ability of communication with client, consultant and colleagues; 6. 1st class registered architect, LEED AP is preferred;




上(shàng)一篇: 建築師
下一篇: 品牌設計師
