
設計萬象,瑞升專業、專注于零售商業空(kōng)間(jiān)。 2003年創立于成都,RSIII是中國新零售設計的實踐者,設計超過50000家(jiā)零售商業店(diàn)鋪。 我們秉持獨到洞察、創新策略與務實理(lǐ)念,為(wèi)中國商業零售品牌賦能實體(tǐ)終端的系統價值、品牌印象、消費主張、體(tǐ)驗管理(lǐ)與電(diàn)商時代創新建店(diàn)模式。 商業時代與零售形态的象限中,RSIII探究的唯一答(dá)案是 —— 什麽是一個(gè)好店(diàn)?這也是我們以設計之名笃定的時代使命:為(wèi)“商業零售空(kōng)間(jiān)”創造更多(duō)新的可(kě)能。 We are experts at retail design. Founded in Chengdu in 2003, RSIII is a practitioner of retail design in China with more than 50,000 cases of retail store design. We adhere to the unique insight, innovative strategy and practical concept to empower China’s commercial retail brands for their SI system, brand impression, consumption idea, experience management and innovative store operation system in the era of e-commerce. In the quadrant of business age and retail form, the only and eternal answer we keep exploring is —— What is a good store, which is also our mission firmly established in the name of design, to create more possibilities for “commercial retail space”. 我們是 傳統家(jiā)電(diàn) | 智慧家(jiā)電(diàn)店(diàn)鋪一緻化系統的規範制(zhì)定者,海爾 | 美的 超過12年的核心設計服務商; 為(wèi)GE | AEG | 西門(mén)子 | 東芝 | 佳能等國際品牌實現跨地域消費溝通(tōng); 建材與大(dà)家(jiā)居行(xíng)業 終端轉型的實踐者,為(wèi)歐派 | TATA | 大(dà)自然 | 索菲亞等行(xíng)業一線品牌探索新的消費觸點; 互聯網時代“新零售”體(tǐ)驗空(kōng)間(jiān)的視覺語言刷新者。 We are… Standard maker of the SI system for traditional and intelligent home appliances Core design agency for Haier and Midea for over 12 years Build below-the-line communication in domestic market for international retail brands like GE, AEG, Siemens, Toshiba, Canon, etc. Explore new solutions of consumption communication based on retail stores for home furnishing and building materials brands like TATA, OPPEIN, Define and refresh visual language and space identity for new retail experience.


工作(zuò)職責 獨立設計開(kāi)發商業零售終端的設計工作(zuò),包括概念、設計方案、效果圖等;對設計有(yǒu)自己的想法和(hé)理(lǐ)解,勇于審視自己;善于用視覺表達想法。 你(nǐ)的條件 -三年或以上(shàng)商業空(kōng)間(jiān)設計工作(zuò)經驗,有(yǒu)零售終端設計經驗者更優; -突出的設計理(lǐ)念理(lǐ)解能力,有(yǒu)把控整體(tǐ)設計思路與調性方向的能力,布局功能合理(lǐ)而不拘一格,對設計表達的呈現結果有(yǒu)一定預判能力; -出色的審美品位和(hé)美學素養,對設計富有(yǒu)激情和(hé)專注力; -熟練使用SketchUp(必備)、AutoCAD、3D Max等空(kōng)間(jiān)設計軟件; -能獨立負責項目設計,熟悉施工節點、裝飾材料性能、特殊工藝、後期加工等知識; -出色的溝通(tōng)協調能力和(hé)高(gāo)效抗壓的項目執行(xíng)能力,責任感強,富有(yǒu)團隊合作(zuò)精神。 RESPONSIBILITIES: Lead the design project of any commercial spaces, including concept, schematic and further design and renderings. Be skilled in visually experssing your own ideas and understanding of design. QUALIFICATIONS: -At least three years of working experience of commercial space design are required; experiences in retail store design are preferable; -Strong design skills, an excellent thinker, able to develop and detailized design to construction stage preferred; -Excellent aesthetic literacy, passion and delication to design; -Highly proficient with SketchUp(mandatory), AutoCAD, 3DMax; -Able to complete projects in schematic and further stage independently, and willing to experiment with new materials, rich experience on site is preferable; -Good sense of responsibility and teamwork.


3DMaxAutoCADPSSketchup 漢語本科3-5年


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