
AG彙創國際是一家(jiā)有(yǒu)抱負的建築空(kōng)間(jiān)設計事務所,由一群來(lái)自全球多(duō)元化背景又充滿創造力的設計師組成,一直以來(lái),我們堅信設計和(hé)創意帶來(lái)的力量,不斷嘗試城市公共建築空(kōng)間(jiān)及其城市界面塑造的多(duō)種可(kě)能,憑據豐富的設計經驗和(hé)國際化視野為(wèi)城市綜合體(tǐ),商業、文化、教育、辦公、住宅、軌道(dào)交通(tōng)等公共建築及空(kōng)間(jiān)提供設計服務。 Atelier Global Limited is an ambitious architecture office consisting of team members with global background. Believing in the influence of architecture on society, we have constantly examined different possibilities of architecture to bring change to communities. Based on our profound experience of various projects – including commercial, cultural, institutional, office, and residential, we design space in a dialogue with clients. 我們主張以“跨界思維、系統化設計和(hé)細節專注” 的核心理(lǐ)念,持續為(wèi)客戶提供具有(yǒu)創新性和(hé)可(kě)持續發展的設計服務與解決方案,并緻力于實現設計理(lǐ)念與商業價值的轉換。 Atelier Global’s design philosophy is deeply rooted in exploring creativity and possibilities in architecture; a willingness to create a better world. We strive to design spaces that set a trend for the future developments. 在設計實踐中,我們的思考不受限于功能與空(kōng)間(jiān),而是在不同文化、尺度、形态之間(jiān),通(tōng)過跨界思考尋求新的見解,以全然不同的創造性思維和(hé)設計語言,構建起功能、文化、藝術(shù)相融合的建築與空(kōng)間(jiān),創造全新體(tǐ)驗。 In our design, we look forward to creating space that transcends its boundary. Adopting creative ideas and innovative architectural language, we achieved a new level of architecture that can combine culture, aesthetics and functionality into space. 立足于文化與創意視角,我們在積極參與學術(shù)和(hé)文化研究的同時作(zuò)品也屢獲國際權威專業設計大(dà)獎,其中包括德國iF設計大(dà)獎、美國IDA國際設計金獎、意大(dà)利A Design Award國際設計鉑金獎、A&D亞太區(qū)建築大(dà)獎和(hé)香港建築師學會(huì)大(dà)獎等。同時,我們專注于當代設計的研究、實踐與推廣,積極關注并參與當代藝術(shù)與設計,并多(duō)次受邀參展國內(nèi)外個(gè)展,包括2019年倫敦建築節、2018年威尼斯建築雙年展、日本Good Design Award、香港Common Room & Co. 聯合展覽和(hé)香港深圳建築城市雙年展覽:建築十章等。 Dedicated to create a better world through architecture, Atelier Global limited has won highly-recognized international awards –including iF Design Award,International Design Awards Gold Prize (the USA), A‘Design Award Platinum Prize (Italy), A&D Asia Pacific Region Grand Prize, Hong Kong Institute of Architect Annual Awards Grand Prize, etc.And dedicated to research and reflect the contemporary architectural design, We have participated in internationally prestigious events–including 2019 London Festival of Architecture, 2018 La Biennale di Venezia, Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture, 2018 Good Design Award (Japan) and Common Room & Co. (HK) joint exhibitor(Top 10 Designers in HK.


任職資格: 1、建築學專業本科及以上(shàng)學曆, 3年以上(shàng)建築設計工作(zuò)經驗; 2、熱愛(ài)建築設計,有(yǒu)一定的方案設計能力,熟悉設計流程。能配合方案設計及擴初設計; 3、熟悉建築行(xíng)業規範,有(yǒu)較強的團隊合作(zuò)能力; 4、熟練使用AUTO CAD, SketchUp, 天正建築,Photoshop, AI, 3D建模及參數(shù)化建模,Indesign等軟件。 1. Bachelor degree or above. 3 + years working experience 2. Passion for architecture design. Ability to deal with plan. Familiar with design process. 3.Familiar with architecture regulations. Good at team working. 4. Good at using software, such as Auto Cad, Sketchup, Tarch, PS, AI, 3D, Indesign and so on.


AutoCADPSRhinoSketchup 漢語本科3-5年


