
L&M成立于2013年,正如L&M所隐喻的Logic & Magic精神,立木以理(lǐ)性為(wèi)基石,積極擁抱複雜的設計條件與需求,并總能在這個(gè)基礎上(shàng)呈現充滿魔力的作(zuò)品。 L&M 堅持大(dà)膽的設計構思和(hé)深入的學術(shù)研究,在業內(nèi)權威競賽中屢獲殊榮,業務涵蓋城市設計、建築設計、景觀設計、室內(nèi)設計。不同專業和(hé)文化背景的團隊構成使立木具有(yǒu)國際化視野和(hé)多(duō)元化理(lǐ)念。立木以對城市社會(huì)結構和(hé)曆史環境的敏銳嗅覺和(hé)精準把握為(wèi)特征,以嚴謹的工作(zuò)流程和(hé)優質的設計服務為(wèi)基礎,立足當代都市,并以超越的姿态為(wèi)人們提供更優質的生(shēng)活體(tǐ)驗和(hé)空(kōng)間(jiān)媒介。 L&M was founded in 2013. Just like the spirit of L ogic & Magic metaphorized by L&M, it takes rationality as its cornerstone, actively embraces complex design conditions and needs, and always presents magical works on this basis. L&M insists on bold design ideas and in-depth academic research, and has won many awards in the industry’s authoritative competition. Its business covers urban design, architectural design, landscape design and interior design. Team formation with different professional and cultural backgrounds enables the tree to have an international perspective and a pluralistic cultural concept. Standing trees are characterized by a keen sense of smell and accurate grasp of the urban social structure and historical environment, based on rigorous workflow and high-quality design services, based on contemporary cities, and provide people with better life experience and space media in a transcendent manner.


1. 國內(nèi)外在校(xiào)本科三年級以上(shàng)學生(shēng)或碩士生(shēng)可(kě)申請(qǐng)實習; 2. 申請(qǐng)人需為(wèi)建築/城市規劃/室內(nèi)/景觀等專業背景,有(yǒu)較強的中英文表達能力,動手能力強,可(kě)制(zhì)作(zuò)手工模型; 3. 申請(qǐng)時需注明(míng)具體(tǐ)實習時間(jiān),須達2個(gè)月及以上(shàng);實習補貼豐厚 4. 實習地點為(wèi)上(shàng)海 1. Students at home and abroad who are junior or above can apply for internship. 2. Applicants should have professional background such as architecture/urban planning/interior/landscape, strong Chinese and English expression ability, strong hands-on ability, and can make handmade models; 3. Specific internship time should be specified when applying, which should be 2 months or more. Subsidies for internship are abundant. 4. The place of internship is Shanghai.


AutoCADSketchup 漢語英語本科在校(xiào)生(shēng)


