1. 國內(nèi)外在校(xiào)本科三年級以上(shàng)學生(shēng)或碩士生(shēng)可(kě)申請(qǐng)實習; 2. 申請(qǐng)人需為(wèi)建築/城市規劃/室內(nèi)/景觀等專業背景,有(yǒu)較強的中英文表達能力,動手能力強,可(kě)制(zhì)作(zuò)手工模型; 3. 申請(qǐng)時需注明(míng)具體(tǐ)實習時間(jiān),須達2個(gè)月及以上(shàng);實習補貼豐厚 4. 實習地點為(wèi)上(shàng)海 1. Students at home and abroad who are junior or above can apply for internship. 2. Applicants should have professional background such as architecture/urban planning/interior/landscape, strong Chinese and English expression ability, strong hands-on ability, and can make handmade models; 3. Specific internship time should be specified when applying, which should be 2 months or more. Subsidies for internship are abundant. 4. The place of internship is Shanghai.