
迪卡幼兒園設計中心由王俊寶創立于2006年,由一群具有(yǒu)烏托邦精神的藝術(shù)家(jiā)、建築師、室內(nèi)設計師、品牌設計師、景觀設計師而組成。專注幼兒園建築設計、幼兒園室內(nèi)設計、幼兒園景觀設計、幼兒園品牌設計、幼兒園軟裝設計。 十年來(lái)理(lǐ)想不斷生(shēng)根發芽,作(zuò)品一件件應運而生(shēng)。迪卡幼兒園設計中心讓教育與空(kōng)間(jiān)對話(huà)。專注中國學前教育,緻力打造具有(yǒu)國際視野的幼兒園,助力我國幼兒發展,公司始終秉承“一筆一畫(huà)一世界,一園一品一理(lǐ)想”的設計理(lǐ)念。 團隊現擁有(yǒu)60多(duō)名優秀設計師,另邀請(qǐng)西安建築科技大(dà)學建築學院院長博士生(shēng)導師劉克成擔任建築設計總顧問,西安美術(shù)學院教授研究生(shēng)導師蘇克擔任環境設計總顧問。設計作(zuò)品先後獲得(de)國內(nèi)外重要賽事大(dà)獎。 The Dika Kindergarten Design Center was founded in 2006 by Wang Junbao and consists of a group of Utopian artists, architects, interior designers, brand designers and landscape architects. Focus on kindergarten architectural design, kindergarten interior design, kindergarten landscape design, kindergarten brand design, kindergarten Soft dress design. During the past ten years, the ideal has been rooted and sprouted, and great works have been created. Dika Kindergarten Design Center allows education and space to talk. Focusing on China’s preschool education, we are committed to build a kindergarten with an international view to help our children’s development. The company has always hold the belief that a beautiful dream is realized day by day, and the great work is produced little by little. The team now has more than 60 outstanding designers. Liu Kecheng, the doctoral supervisor of the School of Architecture of Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, is invited as the general consultant of architectural design. Su Ke, a professor instructor at the Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, is the general consultant of environmental design consultant. The design works have won awards for important events at home and abroad.


1、傳媒或設計相關專業本科以上(shàng)學曆,具有(yǒu)良好的中文寫作(zuò)能力; 2、對設計文化傳播有(yǒu)興趣,願意投入非設計類工作(zuò),嚴謹對待文字、圖像及圖文編輯的表達呈現; 3、配合完成項目圖文整理(lǐ)、文案撰寫及翻譯、微信公衆号更新、獲獎案例整理(lǐ)等工作(zuò); 4、熟練運用Word、Excel、Photoshop、微信公衆号編輯器(qì)等軟件; 5、如有(yǒu)期刊文章發表、微信公衆号文章(設計相關題材)、策展參展、圖闆排版等經曆




上(shàng)一篇: 服裝設計師
下一篇: 軟裝設計師
