
迹·建築事務所(TAO),由建築師華黎于2009年在北京創立,是當今中國建築領域最活躍的設計團隊之一。 在TAO的實踐中,建築并非僅僅被視為(wèi)一個(gè)形式物體(tǐ),而是被理(lǐ)解為(wèi)一個(gè)與其環境不可(kě)分割的有(yǒu)機體(tǐ)。TAO 的項目大(dà)多(duō)處于具有(yǒu)鮮明(míng)的自然以及曆史人文特征的場(chǎng)地中,其設計實踐通(tōng)過深入挖掘建築的場(chǎng)所意義以 及充分運用此時此地的條件,營造根植于地域文化與環境的建築和(hé)景觀,并诠釋其營造過程中涉及的豐富意義。場(chǎng)所精神、場(chǎng)地及氣候回應、當地資源合理(lǐ)利用,以及因地制(zhì)宜的材料與建造方式等命題的探討(tǎo), 構成了TAO每個(gè)項目工作(zuò)的核心內(nèi)容。TAO的作(zuò)品多(duō)次受邀在國際建築展中展出,包括2018威尼斯國際建築雙年展、2016柏林Aedes再興土木展、2015紐約中國當代建築展、2014威尼斯雙年展ADAPTATION中 國建築展、2013維也納當代東亞建築與空(kōng)間(jiān)實踐展等。 華黎,迹·建築事務所(TAO)創始人及主持建築師,1972年出生(shēng),畢業于清華大(dà)學和(hé)美國耶魯大(dà)學建築 學院,獲建築學碩士學位,之後曾實踐于紐約。2009年在北京創立TAO。華黎以及TAO的主要設計作(zuò)品包括:雲南高(gāo)黎貢手工造紙博物館、四川孝泉民族小學、武夷山(shān)竹筏育制(zhì)場(chǎng)、 林建築、四分院、将将甜品店(diàn)、Lens空(kōng)間(jiān)、新寨咖啡莊園、海口寰島實驗學校(xiào)初中部等。TAO曾赢得(de)過美國建築實錄雜志(zhì)評選的2012全球設計先鋒以及最佳公共建築獎、中國建築傳媒獎青年建築師獎、亞洲建協獎、2013阿卡汗國際建築獎入圍、2016及2018BSI瑞士建築獎提名以及WA建築獎等多(duō)個(gè)獎項。華黎曾受邀在馬來(lái)西亞、泰國、澳大(dà)利亞、台灣、印度、意大(dà)利、法國、新西蘭的國際建築會(huì)議中演講,以及蘇黎世聯邦理(lǐ)工、中央美院、香港大(dà)學、清華大(dà)學、斯圖加特大(dà)學等國內(nèi)外著名大(dà)學的建築學院演講。華黎目前受邀在清華大(dà)學及中央美術(shù)學院擔任客座教授,還(hái)曾在柏林藝術(shù)大(dà)學、香港大(dà)學、天津大(dà)學等國內(nèi)外大(dà)學擔任過課程設計評委。 TAO (Trace Architecture Office), one of the most active and influential architectural firms in China’s contemporary architecture field, was founded by architect HUA Li In 2009, and is based in Beijing. Being critical at contemporary architecture as an obsession to fashionable forms in media-driven globalized consumerism, TAO visions architecture as an evolving organism, being an inseparable whole with its environment, rather than just a formal object. With most projects positioned in particular cultural and natural settings in China, TAO explore the essence of place; make architecture deeply rooted in its cultural and environmental context with respect of local condition. The sense of place, response to climate, efficient use of local resource, site-responsive construction method, such issues are always explored in every TAO project responding to its specific situation. TAO’s works have been exhibited internationally in Venice, Berlin, Vienna and New York. Born in 1972 in China, HUA Li received his B.Arch. from Tsinghua University in 1994. He then studied at Yale University and received his M. Arch. in 1999. He practiced in New York and Beijing before founding TAO (Trace Architecture Office) In 2009. HUA Li and TAO’s key works include: Museum of Handcraft Paper, XiaoQuan Elementary School, Wuyishan Bamboo Raft Factory, Forest Building, Split Courtyard House , TiensTiens Café, Lens Office Beijing, Xinzhai Coffee Manor and Huandao Middle School, Haikou. HUA Li and TAO has won several important architectural awards including Design Vanguard 2012 and GDGB China Awards by Architectural Record Magazine, Young Architect Award of 2012 China Architecture Media Awards, ARCASIA Awards for Architecture and WA Awards, shortlisted in Aga Kahn Award 2013, nominated in BSI Swiss Architectural Award 2016 & 2018. Hua Li also teaches at Tsinghua University and CAFA as a visiting professor, and has been a guest critic for studio reviews at HKU, University Arts Berlin and Tianjin University. He has given lectures in many domestic and overseas universities and international architectural conferences in both Asia and Europe.


-建築學本科大(dà)三以上(shàng)或研究生(shēng)在讀,實習期不短(duǎn)于三個(gè)月。 -能熟練運用相關計算(suàn)機軟件:AutoCAD、Sketchup、VRay、Photoshop、InDesign、Illustrator等軟件。 -有(yǒu)出色的手工模型與效果圖制(zhì)作(zuò)能力。 -有(yǒu)優秀的建築設計公司或事務所工作(zuò)經曆者優先。


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