Perkins & Will公司(帕金斯威爾)是世界着名的建築,室內(nèi)及規劃設計公司,成立于1935 年. 公司于1999年獲美國建築師協會(huì)(AIA)頒發的最佳建築設計公司獎,這是美國建築設計界的最高(gāo)獎,美國有(yǒu)五千多(duō)家(jiā)建築設計公司,每年隻有(yǒu)一家(jiā)公司能獲此殊榮。 Perkins&Will公司連續多(duō)年被評為(wèi)全球十大(dà)建築設計公司之一.公司在全球設有(yǒu)21個(gè)辦公室,超過1100名員工. 2001年六月, 因中國業務迅速發展,本公司為(wèi)方便業主,成立了上(shàng)海工作(zuò)室. 由美國直接派駐領導負責協調業主及各單位的工作(zuò), 同時作(zuò)為(wèi)美國派往中國人員的工作(zuò)與聯絡中心. 在中國的工作(zuò)人員, 可(kě)通(tōng)過電(diàn)腦(nǎo)網絡得(de)到美國總公司各專業人才的技術(shù)支援. Perkins + Will is an internationally acclaimed architecture, interior architecture and planning firm. Founded in 1935, the firm gained immediate attention for its innovative and thoughtful designs for schools, colleges and universities. Perkins + Will rapidly expanded their award winning work to embrace the health care and corporate/commercial markets. Today the firm is recognized as an international leader in innovative and elegant design solutions as well as for its consistently high level of service and project delivery. www.perkinswill.com Please submit your resume to the contact person noted under each Current Opportunities listing. We will review your qualifications against future openings and if a suitable position becomes available, we will contact you.