
a9a 事務所成立于成都(中國)和(hé)迪拜,目前還(hái)有(yǒu)重慶以及上(shàng)海辦公室。這是一個(gè)年輕的建築設計實踐團隊,成立于2014年,由兩位合夥人Asif Agha與李嶽九共同成立。成立工作(zuò)室之前兩位合夥人已經具備他們在區(qū)域和(hé)國際視角的實踐經驗和(hé)技能,通(tōng)過合作(zuò)獲得(de)更複雜的建築實踐深度,以及很(hěn)高(gāo)要求的标準與建築實現。 a9a 建築設計事務所是一個(gè)由衆多(duō)國內(nèi)與國際年輕有(yǒu)才的建築師、設計師和(hé)最為(wèi)重要的思想者們組成的團體(tǐ),關注所有(yǒu)直接或間(jiān)接與建築相關聯的話(huà)題,并從事于建築領域中各種規模的項目和(hé)研究。 此刻似乎并不需要對a9a 的思想下一個(gè)确切定義(如果有(yǒu)的話(huà))。我們沒有(yǒu)很(hěn)強烈的欲望也沒有(yǒu)什麽動力為(wèi)我們這個(gè)團體(tǐ)編寫一條理(lǐ)念。比起明(míng)确的去討(tǎo)論我們的所做(zuò)所想,我們更中意于去避免陷入一個(gè)會(huì)使我們的自由思想淪為(wèi)中庸的固有(yǒu)模式,這樣才能更好的去适應完全不同的事情,才能依情況自由的安排時間(jiān)進程,才能反複的斟酌現有(yǒu)的法則,才能使我們不斷的自我挑戰與質問。我們是團體(tǐ)的一部分,但(dàn)最重要的是我們喜歡與任何願意分享有(yǒu)共同信念的人一起奮鬥。這個(gè)共同的信念就是,建築可(kě)以為(wèi)我們周圍的世界帶來(lái)積極的、鼓舞人心的卻并非壓倒性的貢獻。我們為(wèi)有(yǒu)前瞻性的客戶提供精心調整的設計,該設計會(huì)根據建築所坐(zuò)落的地點,即将入住的人們以及當時的文化氛圍而量身定制(zhì)。我們熱衷于去探索未知,我們的目标始終如一,隻為(wèi)滿足心意,隻為(wèi)觸碰心靈。我們堅信項目會(huì)回饋其所在的城市。通(tōng)過改變公立與私立的等級制(zhì)度,我們會(huì)開(kāi)啓一條通(tōng)往以交互、對話(huà)與交換為(wèi)基礎的建築之路。 a9a office is a young international architectural practice established in Chengdu (China) and Dubai (UAE). It was founded in 2014 by two partners: Asif Agha and Jio LI in China Before founding a9a office, both partners have forged their experience and skills in regional and internationally renowned practices. Through this collaboration, they acquired an in depth experience in complex buildings, ambitious realisation and high design standards. a9a Architects is a young and talented collective of architects, designers and most importantly thinkers. a9a is interested in all topics directly or indirectly related to architecture, and works on projects and research of any scale in the fields of architecture. Philosophy At this point it feels unnecessary to define our thinking (if there is one) of a9a. We feel no urge, nor motivation, to write a philosophy of the office. We prefer to avoid talking explicitly about what we do and how we think, and rather stay free from a frame of mind that could compromise the freedom necessary to work on completely different things at the same time, to evolve as quickly or slowly as necessary, to rethink established principles all over again, and to continuously challenge and question ourselves. We are part of a team, but most importantly we enjoy working with anybody who shares our belief that architecture can make a positive, inspirational but never overbearing contribution to the world around us. We offer forward-thinking clients a design that is finely tuned to the place it is sited, the people who will occupy it, and the culture that surrounds it at the time. We are interested in doing what we have not done before and our aim is always the same, to satisfy the mind and touch the heart. We believe in projects that give something back to the city. By changing the hierarchy between what is public and what is private we can open a way to an architecture based on interaction, dialogue and exchange.


我們随時歡迎優秀的建築學生(shēng)來(lái)加入我們的設計團隊實習, 申請(qǐng)者需具備以下要求: 1. 保證4-6個(gè)月的實習期; 2. 擁有(yǒu)獨特的設計作(zuò)品集; 3. 掌握二維制(zhì)圖軟件AutoCAD的使用; 4. 擁有(yǒu)sketchup,Rhino,3D兩者以上(shàng)的三維建模能力,并具有(yǒu)Photoshop,Illustrator和(hé)InDesign等設計軟件操作(zuò)能力; 5. 能夠雙語工作(zuò)者優先; We are seeking talented Architectural Intern with a passion for Design. The ideal candidate should: 1. Possess a bachelor’s degree or higher in architecture, 3 years working experience. 2. Possess very strong design abilities 3. Expertise in AutoCAD 4. Must know and be very familiar with software such as Sketch up, Rhino and/or Maya. Skilled in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign; 5. Fluent in English and Chinese;


3DMaxAIAutoCADPSSketchup 漢語英語本科在校(xiào)生(shēng)


上(shàng)一篇: 供應鏈管理(lǐ)
下一篇: 平面設計師
